Tag: Entertaining

3 Fan-Favorite Desserts Made Fun-Sized
Posted on 12/29/2024
3 Fan-Favorite Desserts Made Fun-Sized
Dessert is often a favorite part of any meal. But what if you could bring a little more fun and a lot more smiles after a family dinner or friendly get-together? Here are a few of the best miniature grab-and-go desserts for any occasion. Cake Pops Cake has been a favorite dessert for centuries. The ancient Greeks used...
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Ideas for Dressing Up an Outdoor Party
Posted on 11/27/2022
Ideas for Dressing Up an Outdoor Party
Avid entertainers know the value of a good atmosphere when setting up for their gathering. But even they have difficulty when dressing up their outdoor space for a gathering or full-fledged party. Here are three quick and easy ways to dress your outdoor area for a successful get-together. Table Linens If you’re throwing a party in your outdoor...
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Holidays and home safety: Tips to keep your household safe
Posted on 10/16/2022
Holidays and home safety: Tips to keep your household safe
Winter holidays are a festive time when folks gather and celebrate. Part of the fun of these holidays is being able to decorate your home and host dinners or other meals. However, with this excitement comes certain risks you and your household should be aware of. Keep these tips in mind, so you can spend the holiday season...
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Posted on 03/27/2022
Best Reasons to Host Home Gatherings Outdoors
Hosting a get-together or event is an often rewarding experience. You get to spend time with your loved ones, show off the nuances of your home and enjoy the atmosphere of having everyone around. But what if there was a way to enhance that atmosphere while minimizing cleanup? Here are a few ways entertaining outdoors can improve your...
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